The Spectrum Details Sidebar view displays a summary of the calibration parameters for the current spectrum. It also shows the spectrum's acquisition details, including spectral width, magnet frequency, pulse sequence, and others. At the bottom of the view, there's also space for additional comments.
Tips and Tricks
You can edit a spectrum's calibration parameters using Processor's calibration tools.
A spectrum's acquisition details cannot be edited.
You can edit a spectrum's comments at any time. You must save the spectrum to retain your changes.
Processing spectra in Processor does not alter your original spectral data. Every processing effect that you add to a spectrum acts as a layer modifying the display of your original data. All of these effects are completely reversible, and are tracked in the Processing History Sidebar view.
While processing a spectrum, you may want to review, edit or reverse one or more of the processing layers that you have already applied. The Processing History maintains a list of every processing layer that you have applied to the current spectrum using Processor. You can review this list to find out the parameters used in each layer, like phase angles or shim correction parameters, step back through past layers to reverse their effects, or edit a layer.
When you import a processed spectrum, Processor imports phase correction, baseline correction and other processing that you may have applied in other processing software. The imported processing effects appear in the Processing History as a layer called External Processing. The External Processing layer is not reversible, nor can you remove or edit it.
How do I review and remove processing layers?
Switch to the Processing History view in the Sidebar.
Click the name of a processing layer to review its associated parameters; they appear in the Details box below the list.
Click the Clear button to remove the processing layer that is currently selected.
Removing a processing layer will also remove all subsequent processing layers.
How do I edit the most recent processing layer?
Switch to the Processing History view in the Sidebar.
Click the Edit button to edit the processing layer that is currently selected.
When you have finished your changes, click the Accept button.
Editing a processing layer will cause all subsequent processing layers to be removed.
Tips and Tricks
The Processing History only tracks processing effects, including phase correction, baseline correction, shim correction, water deletion and line broadening. Changes to spectrum metadata, such as the spectrum details or CSI and pH settings, do not appear in this panel.
If you have just accidentally removed or edited a layer in the Processing History, you can use the Undo button to restore it.
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