COMPLETE Autofit is an all-new Automatic Iterative Profiler that performs numerous, parallel approaches to a complete autofit of your NMR spectra, then identifies the lowest statistical errors and provides a recommended ‘BEST’ fit. And now it's even faster!


The 'Processor' module lets you import a wide variety of NMR spectra into Chenomx NMR Suite. It also provides the standard processing tools needed to clean up and calibrate those spectra, so that you can more easily and accurately analyze them using the Profiler module.


The 'Profiler' module lets you identify and quantify the contents of your mixture spectrum by comparing it to a compound library with hundreds of reference signatures.

Library Manager

The 'Library Manager' module lets you manage sets of compounds that are available to all other modules in Chenomx NMR Suite. This includes any custom compounds that you've created with Compound Builder, as well as all of the standard Chenomx Reference Compounds.

Spin Simulator

The 'Spin Simulator' module allows you to simulate an entire compound signature based on a few theoretical details. Just set a magnet frequency, then start solving coupling relationships and measuring j-value constants while your simulation updates itself in real time!

Compound Builder

The 'Compound Builder' module allows you to create your own custom compound signatures, complete with full quantitative information. These signatures can then be used when analyzing samples in Profiler.

Batch Functions

Batching significantly reduces processing time for large sample sizes. Batch Import/Batch Process applies processing steps to groups of samples; while Batch Fit/Batch Edit applies profiled compounds from a single spectra to an entire batch of spectra to reduce profiling time. Then, add stars, pins, and colors for labelling.


Binning reduces the number of variables by dividing spectra into a series of ppm regions, or bins; subsequent analysis involves the integrated area of these bins
instead of the raw spectral data.


All-new Automatic Iterative Profiler that performs numerous, parallel approaches to a complete autofit of your NMR spectra and generates multiple CNX files with a recommended ‘BEST’ fit.

Free Evaluation Version

Click below to access the Evaluation Version of Chenomx NMR Suite. The Evaluation Version does not require a license to run, has limited capabilities compared to the activated versions (no save function, limit of 3 compounds per spectral analysis, few automation features) but the user experience is very similar to the activated versions. Once the evaluation version is installed, it can be activated for the full versions by a code from Chenomx so it isn't necessary to download and install again to get a full version.
MODULE Chenomx NMR Suite STANDARD Chenomx NMR Suite PRO Chenomx NMR Suite BENCHTOP PRO
Complete 338 Compound high-frequency (400MHz, 500MHz, 600MHz, 700MHz, 800MHz) Spectral Reference Library INCLUDED INCLUDED
Complete 338 Compound low-frequency (60MHz, 80MHz, 90MHz, 100MHz, 125MHz) Spectral Reference Library INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED

Licensing and Pricing

Chenomx NMR Suite and Chenomx BENCHTOP PRO can be purchased in 1 Year Annual Subscriptions which include version upgrades through the License Term,  as well as Perpetual Licenses of the current version with options for paid upgrades with variable rates depending on most recent date of purchase. Additional Seats can be purchased at a reduced rate.

Chenomx Inc

Certified Internal Standards

Chenomx sells certified standard solutions to Chenomx NMR Suite Customers for improved NMR acquisition and analysis using Chenomx NMR Suite. Please review our Support Page for detailed Standard Operating Procedures on sample preparation, data acquisition, and profiling.

IS-2 Chenomx Internal Standard - DSS-d6

We recommend our customers use 10% of our certified ISTD solution for their samples (for example 70 uL IS-2 + 630 uL sample for a total of 700 uL available for the NMR-ready sample in the case of typical 5 mm tubes).

Download IS-2 MSDS Files

QC1 - Quality Control

Chenomx now offers a Quality Control Solution to confirm optimum protocol and procedures for your NMR sample preparation. This solution consists of 5.0 mM each of Sodium Acetate, Sodium Formate, Valine, and Glycine (selected for their stability over normal storage conditions).

Download the Quality Control CNX File

How To Use

Add the QC along with 10% of internal standard to make an NMR-ready sample. Then run the sample in the NMR instrument with your typical acquisition parameters, and analyze your results in Chenomx NMR Suite. The resulting spectrum will provide a controlled standard that can be used to confirm:

  • Efficacy of water suppression
  • Shimming Results
  • Errors in internal standard concentration
  • Errors in sample preparation
  • Use of recommended NMR data acquisition parameters

Your results should be 5.0 mM per each of the 4 compounds with an error of ± 10% after adjusting for dilution of the internal standard.

Download QC-1 MSDS Files

Standards Solution Description Price - 50ml (USD) Price - 4 x 50ml (USD)
IS-2 Chenomx Internal Standard - DSS-d6 Contains deuterated DSS (DSS-d6) and sodium azide in D2O at pH 7.0 (DSS concentration of 5 mM) 50 mL - $350 4x50 mL - $1,300
QC1 - Quality Control Contains Sodium Acetate, Sodium Formate, Valine, and Glycine at a concentration of 5 mM each. 50 mL - $150 4x50 mL - $480

*shipping costs variable and paid by customer